COURSE  |  Aviation Obstacle Assessment

Course Name Aviation Obstacle Assessment
Date(s) TBA
Duration 5 days
Location Sandton. Johannesburg. South Africa
Course Fee TBA

Group Discount: Enjoy a group discount for three or more participants registered for the same course run at the same time from the same organisation and billing source:
– Three to six : 10%;  – Seven to nine : 15%;  – Ten or more : 20%

Aviation Obstacle Assessment


This course equips delegates with the knowledge and skills required to comprehensively safeguard aerodromes and their associated communication, navigation & surveillance (CNS) equipment. Attendees will learn how to derive obstacle limitations surfaces (OLS), obstacle identification surfaces (OIS), and obstacle assessment surfaces (OAS) in order to evaluate the potential impact of various structures on aviation safety.

The course also includes a basic introduction to the principles of ICAO PANS-OPS Flight Procedure Design, particularly the ILS precision approach, the visual segment surface (VSS), and the visual maneuvering area (VMA).


  • Regulatory background
  • Aerodrome Infrastructure
  • Annex 14 Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS)
  • Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) facility protection criteria
  • PANS-OPS Flight Procedure Design Intro
  • Departure procedures
  • Non-precision (NPA) procedures
  • Precision approach (PA) procedures
  • Visual segment surface (VSS)
  • Visual manoeuvring area (VMA) / circling


  • Aerodrome managers & safety personnel
  • Air traffic control staff
  • ATS managers
  • Safety managers
  • Airspace designers
  • Flight procedure designers
  • Civil aviation authority personnel



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