Flight Procedure Design
ICAO PANS-OPS Flight Procedure Design & Validation: Standard Instrument Departures (SID), Standard Instrument Arrivals (STAR), Instrument Approach Procedures (IAP). Conventional (NDB, VOR/DME, ILS) & PBN (RNAV, GNSS, LNAV-VNAV, PinS).
Airspace Design
Airspace and route design in support of PBN operations, in order to reduce: • risk of loss of separation; • operator track miles (save fuel); • air and noise pollution; • excessive radar vectoring.
Aviation Obstacle Management
Management of Aviation Obstacles including evaluation of proposed obstacles in the vicinity of aerodromes. Evaluation includes ICAO Annex 14 OLS (Obstacle Limitation Surfaces), CNS (Communication, Navigation & Surveillance) facilities and generic PANS-OPS.
WGS84 Aeronautical Survey
WGS-84 Aeronautical Surveys which meet or exceed the minimum Accuracy, Resolution and Integrity requirements in accordance with the ICAO Annexes 4, 11, 14 and 15.
Aeronautical Cartography
Provision and maintenance of aeronautical charts in accordance with ICAO Aeronautical Chart Manual Doc 8697 and ICAO Annex 4. Our range of GIS-integrated charts include aerodrome and approach charts, Aerodrome Obstacle Charts Type A & B, Area Charts and more.
CARs & CATS Development
Development of Civil Aviation Regulations (CARs) and Technical Standards (CATS) for PANS-OPS, Aviation Obstacle Management, WGS84 Survey Standards, and more.
We provide solutions
Experienced Designers & Talented Experts
Tsela Aerospace Solutions (Pty) Ltd is a privately-owned B-BBEE Level 1 aviation service provider, specialising in ICAO PANS-OPS instrument flight procedure design and training, as well as Obstacle Limitation Surfaces assessment and reporting. Tsela also provides GIS integrated aeronautical charting and cartographic services; and airspace design with particular emphasis on PBN (performance based navigation) for optimisation of airspace.